Audiobooks Remembering 9-11

I’m guessing that I’m not the only one who was traumatized by the events of September 11th, 2001, staring horrified as everything unfolded, glued to the TV for days and days afterwards, talking about it endlessly, hugging loved ones just a little bit longer, a little bit closer. 

Audiobook Accomplice has been adding to our collection for each year we’ve been around, and we will continue to do so with each passing Anniversary of that horrific day. Here is our ever-increasing collection: Some >meh< , some awesome, some gut-wrenching. All sure to bring back memories…

After all, 9/11 happened; 9/11 will be with us. 


Do you have audiobooks about 9/11 to share? What are your memories of that day? Just shoot me an email at, so we can go on this journey together.

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