Volume 42: July 28, 2019

Volume 42: July 28, 2019

Volume 42: July 28, 2019


Hello fellow Accomplice!

Welcome to a birdseye view of The Miss being Yin, being Yang. Always peaceful around here, even with Accomplices rolling around. 

This week we’ve brought ya five audiobooks we hope you like the reviews for (If not the books themselves. Seriously, I’m still scratching my head over one of them!). 

As always, feel free to share your favorites with me! Or share your audiobook accomplice stories!  Just comment below on this week’s reviews or email me at:


It was a close one, but Five Lieutenants squeaked by to be added to my Listens for this week.

That and a few others, and I’m all set, all happy!!!

Details for the audiobooks are on the Listening to Now page.

This go-round’s Tell Me What’s Next brought to you by the word: “Dream” (And THAT word brought to us all by my sister who suggested it!). Scope these babies out, and vote as much as you’d like for however many you’d like. Let me know what to listen to next!

The details for the books are at Tell Me What’s Next. Feel free to also suggest another audiobook, genre, or word to scan my library for review.

Click on any review summary to go to the full review! Click on the back arrow to return to this page.

This week my sister and I shall be reunited for a long overdue visit. Plus: Our dearest Maman will be joining us! I swear to you, however, to get my Listening in so that I can be back with y’all next week, more audiobook reviews, ‘nother newsletter. 

Until then? Have a great week and see ya Sunday!

Your Accomplice, Gillian

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